What’s Your Story?

StoryCube is a FREE monthly subscription to great new products & activities.

Wait, what? It’s Free?

Every StoryCube is curated with products, sponsored online activities, classes and entertainment and all tied together with a memorable and relevant story behind it.

What’s the catch?

There isn’t any. It’s 100% FREE. Our marketing partners want you to try their latest products and get your feedback.

WE want to connect with you to make our stories more relevant and engaging. That’s it. Win-win-win.

Did we mention it’s FREE?!

  • What else?

    The online activities are sponsored by our marketing partners who may not have a sample to put in the StoryCube, but who want to connect with you for some feedback about their brands and companies.

    Online Yoga Classes. Trivia games. Fun courses. The list of activities are endless – but relevant to the story in the StoryCubes you receive.

    Still fun. Still FREE.

How Does it Work?

Enrolling for StoryCube is easy…

Step 1. Create a profile & choose your preferences.

The more we know what you like, the more we can tailor StoryCubes to suit your taste in activities and events.

Step 2. Tell us what you liked.

In each StoryCube, we ask for feedback on the products you receive and your opinions on how to create more relevant stories you’d like.

Step 3. Share the love.

Share your stories online. Tell your friends, family, co-workers. Because the more people who know about StoryCube, the more connected everyone can feel sharing the moments alone/together.

  • “I’ve been in the fitness industry for 7 years now, and this pre-launch box was health/wellness themed – it couldn’t have been a better match! 💪  What even adds more on top to this subscription box is that all the brands are local and CANADIAN.🇨🇦 What better way to support our Canadian brands through the times we’re going through right now. 🙏”


    - waiyousokeen

  • “Finding healthy snacks that I can indulge in is my current goal, as I am working towards being healthy and more active. I was so happy to get my @story.cube box in the mail this past week, as it is packed full of healthy treats and activities (a free online yoga class) that you can also take part in.”

    - annpaige_blog

  • “These treats came in my @story.cube box that I posted about in my story, I’ve added this to my highlight incase you missed it. #StoryCube is a monthly subscription service that comes at absolutely no cost to you. No shipping costs whatsoever!”

    - heliiecopter


Fire away.
For example: Is StoryCube Free?

Email us at community@storycube.ca